Kenya is set to join global skills competition after a visit by Worldskill International President

The WorldSkills International President Simon Bartley was in the country for a three-day visit to assess Kenya’s readiness to join the biennial WSI and compete in the next edition in Shanghai, China in September 2021.

HE Bartley concluded his visit to Kenya on Wednesday even with a promise that he will work the government and stakeholders to usher in the country’s participation in the “Skills Olympics”.

Monday morning the WSI President held a meeting with the Cabinet Secretary for Education Prof George Magoha to brief him about his tour and why Kenya should become a member of WSI and take part in the global skills competitions.

After the meeting the two drove to State House and held a meeting with H.E President Uhuru Kenyatta, Deputy President Dr. William Ruto to rally the government support. The meeting was also attended by the Principal Secretary for Post Training and Skills Development Alfred Cheruiyot, outgoing Principal Secretary for Vocational and Technical Training Dr. Kevit Desai, the Chief Administrative Secretary in the Ministry of Education Zack Kinuthia among other officials.

In the afternoon, he paid a visit to Karen Technical Institute for the Deaf and Don Bosco Boys Institute, both in Karen.

Tuesday he joined President Uhuru Kenyatta and German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier at Kiambu Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) to launch the Sh4 billion youth empowerment vocational training program.
In the afternoon he met with members of the Kenya Association of Technical Training Institutions (KATTI).

Wednesday: WSI President met with government agencies in the TVET sector, development partners and private sector organizations for a brief on WorldSkills. They included Korean Ambassador Yeonghan Choi, Principal Secretary for Post Training and Skills Development Alfred Cheruiyot, outgoing Principal Secretary for Vocational and Technical Training Dr. Kevit Desai,  the Principal Secretary nominee for Vocational and Technical Education Dr. Julius Jwan and a representative from UNESCO.

Others were representatives from National Training Authority, FESTO Didactic, Kenya Association of Technical Training Institutions, Toyota Kenya, Safaricom Foundation, Kenya Association of Manufacturers, Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI), Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Kenya (AHK Kenya), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA), National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI), among others.

In the afternoon he held a training session together with TVETA Director-General Dr. Kipkirui Langat, representatives from UNESCO, KEPSA, KATTI, among others.

In the afternoon he took a trip to Nairobi National Park and was later hosted for dinner at the Carnivore grounds by officials from the Ministry of Education and TVETA departing to his home country the UK.