A team of two officials from Australia have been in the country in the past three days to have a feel of the TVET sector in the country before rolling out the Education Short Course Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Trainer Development Program under the auspices on the Australian Award program.
The training program will be facilitated by the Queensland University of Technology in partnership with TVET Authority.
The training program that is expected to start in August this year, partly in Nairobi and in Australia, will build the capacity of about 30 trainers from across Africa.
The TVET Trainer Course and the TVET Assessor Course provide learners who have a vocational background, the skills to train or assess learners in their area of expertise.
The duo, David Kozar and Bridget Gray had an opportunity to visit, Boma Hotel and college, Kenya Water Institute (KEWI), Karen Technical Training Institute for the Deaf, Kabate National Polytechnic, KTTC, NITA Athi River and also visited the Australian Embassy in Kenya among other places.
They were taken around by TVETA officials.