Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVETA) organized six regional sensitization workshops in Kenya for the forty-seven county TVET and institutional administrators from 16th to 20th April, 2016. The seminars were held in six regional headquarters of Mombasa, Kisumu, Machakos, Nakuru, Eldoret and Meru. The workshops were attended by over 350 County TVET and institutional administrators. The topics covered during the sensitization included Introduction to greening TVET, TVETA annual returns tool, complaints policy, accreditation tool, customer service charter and overview of the TVET Act, 2013.
In addition to seeking clarifications on the topics covered, the workshop also provided opportunity for the TVET administrators to ask questions on various issues on TVET and reforms being implemented by the government. The administrators were encouraged to embrace greening in their institutions and establish strong TVET regional organizations to promote sharing of ideas on various issues and challenges. The administrators were also advised to establish production units and apply for research grants to help them engage in various inter-disciplinary research and innovations.
Since some of the TVET institutions in Kenya, Vocational Training Centers, are under the 0management of County Governments, the TVETA staff attended the fifth regional governors’ devolution conference that was held in Kakamega County from 23rd to 27th April, 2018. The staff sensitized the TVET administrators and county managers in from all over the Kenya, who had attended the seminar. Report can be downloaded here